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An Introduction to JSchema

A JSON Schema is crucial for making communication, interoperability, validation, testing, documentation, and specification seamless. All of this combined contributes to better maintenance and evolution of data-driven applications and systems. For a comprehensive overview of the roles and uses of JSON Schema in modern web applications, we invite you to explore our dedicated post available here.

Design Goals

The traditional standard JSON Schema rigorously follows the conventional JSON structure, which unfortunately comes at the expense of simplicity, conciseness, and readability. Our goal is to develop a new JSON Schema that promotes these essential aspects that were previously missing.

This new schema is simple, lucid, easy to grasp, and doesn't require much prior knowledge to understand it. It also offers a shallow learning curve for both reading and writing. Additionally, its simplicity and conciseness allow us and machines to read-write more efficiently. Moreover, a large set of constraint data types and functions within the core schema promotes the precise definition of JSON documents, significantly reducing the potential for communication gaps among collaborators. Furthermore, its inherent extensibility not only facilitates the test automation process in API testing but also simplifies the integrations of new constraints and functionalities to meet the diverse requirements of modern web services.

Basic Example

Let's explore an example of our schema for a typical JSON API response containing information about a user profile or account. The schema is very self-explanatory and thus almost no prior knowledge is required to understand the schema and the JSON responses specified by this schema.

%title: "User Profile Response"
%version: 1.0.0
    "user": {
        "id": @range(1, 10000) #integer,
        /*username does not allow special characters*/
        "username": @regex("[a-z_]{3,30}") #string,
        /*currently only one role is allowed by system*/
        "role": "user" #string,
        "isActive": #boolean, //user account current status
        "registeredAt": #time,
        "profile": {
            "firstName": @regex("[A-Za-z ]{3,50}") #string,
            "lastName": @regex("[A-Za-z ]{3,50}") #string,
            "dateOfBirth": #date,
            "age": @range(18, 130) #integer,
            "email": @email #string,
            "pictureURL": @url #string,
            "address": {
                "street": @length(10, 200) #string,
                "city": @length(3, 50) #string,
                "country": @regex("[A-Za-z ]{3,50}") #string
            } #object #null

In the above example, two types of constraints are used: constraint functions (also referred to as validation functions, such as @range(1, 10000)) and constraint data types (also referred to as validation data types, such as #integer). All constraint functions begin with the @ symbol, while all constraint data types start with #. C-style comments are also supported within the schema. In this example, address can be null (like an optional input for users) and if it is null then no constraints of address are applicable. The following JSON is one of the examples that will be successfully validate against the above schema. To start your journey with the JSON validation library, please consult the documentation available for C# and Java.

    "user": {
        "id": 1111,
        "username": "johndoe",
        "role": "user",
        "isActive": true,
        "registeredAt": "2023-09-06T15:10:30.639Z",
        "profile": {
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "dateOfBirth": "1993-06-17",
            "age": 30,
            "email": "",
            "pictureURL": "",
            "address": {
                "street": "123 Some St",
                "city": "Some town",
                "country": "Some Country"

Extended Example

The next example represents an expanded version of the previous one, which brings more complexity. To effectively construct such schemas with multiple layers of nested structures, it's beneficial to have a fundamental understanding of this schema format. While the syntax may seem difficult at first, it becomes straightforward once you have a basic understanding of it. For more detailed information, reference documentations are available for C# and Java.

%title: "Extended User Profile Dashboard API Response"
%version: 2.0.0

// In Java a class loader use a slightly different class identifier
// %include: com.relogiclabs.json.schema.external.ExternalFunctions
%include: RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Tests.External.ExternalFunctions,

%pragma DateDataTypeFormat: "DD-MM-YYYY"
%pragma TimeDataTypeFormat: "DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss"
%pragma IgnoreUndefinedProperties: true

%define $post: {
    "id": @range(1, 1000) #integer,
    "title": @length(10, 100) #string,
    "content": @length(30, 1000) #string,
    "tags": $tags
} #object

%define $product: {
    "id": @length(2, 10) @regex("[a-z][a-z0-9]+") #string,
    "name": @length(5, 30) #string,
    "brand": @length(5, 30) #string,
    "price": @range(0.1, 1000000),
    "inStock": #boolean,
    "specs": {
        "cpu": @length(5, 30) #string,
        "ram": @regex("[0-9]{1,2}GB") #string,
        "storage": @regex("[0-9]{1,4}GB (SSD|HDD)") #string
    } #object #null

%define $tags: @length(1, 10) #string*($tag) #array
%define $tag: @length(3, 20) @regex("[A-Za-z_]+") #string

    "user": {
        "id": @range(1, 10000) #integer,
        /*username does not allow special characters*/
        "username": @regex("[a-z_]{3,30}") #string,
        "role": @enum("user", "admin") #string &role,
        "isActive": #boolean, //user account current status
        "registeredAt": @after("01-01-2010 00:00:00") #time,
        "dataAccess": @checkAccess(&role) #integer,
        "profile": {
            "firstName": @regex("[A-Za-z]{3,50}") #string,
            "lastName": @regex("[A-Za-z]{3,50}") #string,
            "dateOfBirth": @before("01-01-2006") #date,
            "age": @range(18, 128) #integer,
            "email": @email #string,
            "pictureURL": @url #string,
            "address": {
                "street": @length(10, 200) #string,
                "city": @length(3, 50) #string,
                "country": @regex("[A-Za-z ]{3,50}") #string
            } #object #null,
            "hobbies": !?
        "posts": @length(0, 1000) #object*($post) #array,
        "preferences": {
            "theme": @enum("light", "dark") #string,
            "fontSize": @range(9, 24) #integer,
            "autoSave": #boolean
    "products": #object*($product) #array,
    "weather": {
        "temperature": @range(-50, 60) #integer #float,
        "isCloudy": #boolean

The subsequent JSON sample is an illustrative example that successfully validates against the expanded schema mentioned earlier. Within this example, recurring JSON structures appear that can be validated by defining components or nested functions and data types. Besides, reusing simple component definitions, you can achieve a clear and concise schema when validating large JSON with repetitive structures instead of duplicating or referring to various structures across the schema. This improves the overall readability and maintainability of the schema.

    "user": {
        "id": 1111,
        "username": "johndoe",
        "role": "admin",
        "isActive": true,
        "registeredAt": "06-09-2023 15:10:30",
        "dataAccess": 10,
        "profile": {
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "dateOfBirth": "17-06-1993",
            "age": 30,
            "email": "",
            "pictureURL": "",
            "address": {
                "street": "123 Some St",
                "city": "Some town",
                "country": "Some Country"
        "posts": [
                "id": 1,
                "title": "Introduction to JSON",
                "content": "JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format...",
                "tags": [
                "id": 2,
                "title": "Working with JSON in C# and Java",
                "content": "C# and Java provide built-in support for working with JSON...",
                "tags": [
                "id": 3,
                "title": "Introduction to JSON Schema",
                "content": "A JSON schema defines the structure and data types of JSON objects...",
                "tags": [
        "preferences": {
            "theme": "dark",
            "fontSize": 14,
            "autoSave": true
    "products": [
            "id": "p1",
            "name": "Smartphone",
            "brand": "TechGiant",
            "price": 1.99,
            "inStock": true,
            "specs": null
            "id": "p2",
            "name": "Laptop",
            "brand": "SuperTech",
            "price": 159.99,
            "inStock": false,
            "specs": {
                "cpu": "Ryzen 111",
                "ram": "11GB",
                "storage": "11GB SSD"
    "weather": {
        "temperature": 25.5,
        "isCloudy": false,
        "conditions": null

For more information about the schema syntax format and library functionalities, please refer to the reference documentations for C# and Java.

C# Quick Start for JSchema

This guide will walk you through the essential steps to quickly get up and running with New JSON Schema library. It is also assumes a modest familiarity with the .NET SDK and .NET CLI (command-line interface) toolchain including basic familiarity with NuGet packages. Additionally, it considers a certain level of knowledge in C# language.

NuGet Library Package

To get started, launch your preferred IDE (such as Visual Studio, JetBrains Rider, or VS Code) and open the C# project where you intend to include this library package. Within your IDE, navigate to the NuGet package manager and search for the package by the name RelogicLabs.JsonSchema. Subsequently, proceed to add or install the package to your project. Alternatively, you can use the .NET CLI to add the package to your project. Simply run the following command, replacing 1.x.x with either the latest version or your preferred version:

dotnet add package RelogicLabs.JsonSchema --version 1.x.x

To verify the successful integration of the library into your project, you may manually inspect your project file, typically named .csproj, using a text editor, and search for the following XML snippet within the file:

    <PackageReference Include="RelogicLabs.JsonSchema" Version="1.x.x" />
For additional information regarding this library package, you can visit the NuGet package repository page of this library here.

Write a Sample to Test

With all the necessary components in place, you are now ready to create a sample schema and validate a corresponding JSON against the schema. The subsequent example presents a C# class featuring a method designed for validating a sample JSON based on a provided schema. If you are working with C# 11 or above, you can enhance the code further by utilizing new C# language features like raw string literals, file scoped namespaces and others.

using RelogicLabs.JsonSchema;

namespace CSharpApplication
    public class SampleSchema
        public bool CheckIsValid()
            var schema =
                @"%title: ""User Profile Response""
                %version: 1.0.0
                    ""user"": {
                        ""id"": @range(1, 10000) #integer,
                        /*username does not allow special characters*/
                        ""username"": @regex(""[a-z_]{3,30}"") #string,
                        /*currently only one role is allowed by system*/
                        ""role"": ""user"" #string,
                        ""isActive"": #boolean, //user account current status
                        ""registeredAt"": #time,
                        ""profile"": {
                            ""firstName"": @regex(""[A-Za-z ]{3,50}"") #string,
                            ""lastName"": @regex(""[A-Za-z ]{3,50}"") #string,
                            ""dateOfBirth"": #date,
                            ""age"": @range(18, 130) #integer,
                            ""email"": @email #string,
                            ""pictureURL"": @url #string,
                            ""address"": {
                                ""street"": @length(10, 200) #string,
                                ""city"": @length(3, 50) #string,
                                ""country"": @regex(""[A-Za-z ]{3,50}"") #string
                            } #object #null
            var json =
                    ""user"": {
                        ""id"": 9999,
                        ""username"": ""johndoe"",
                        ""role"": ""user"",
                        ""isActive"": true,
                        ""registeredAt"": ""2023-09-06T15:10:30.639Z"",
                        ""profile"": {
                            ""firstName"": ""John"",
                            ""lastName"": ""Doe"",
                            ""dateOfBirth"": ""1993-06-17"",
                            ""age"": 30,
                            ""email"": """",
                            ""pictureURL"": """",
                            ""address"": {
                                ""street"": ""123 Some St"",
                                ""city"": ""Some town"",
                                ""country"": ""Some Country""
            JsonSchema jsonSchema = new(schema);
            return jsonSchema.IsValid(json);

Create Validation Errors

Let's intentionally introduce a few errors by modifying the previous JSON document and then examine the validation results. To begin, we'll alter the id within the user object to a string type and observe the outcome. Additionally, we'll modify the username by inserting a space into its value, thus creating an invalid username. Below is the revised JSON representation, now containing these purposeful errors.

    "user": {
        "id": "not number",
        "username": "john doe",
        "role": "user",
        "isActive": true,
        "profile": {
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "age": 30,
            "email": "",
            "pictureURL": "",
            "address": {
                "street": "123 Some St",
                "city": "Some town",
                "country": "Some Country"

To achieve the desired outcome, please make the following changes to the preceding code. Specifically, ensure that any schema validation errors are displayed in the console. The modified code snippet that invokes the WriteError method to display the errors if validation fails is as follows:


JsonSchema jsonSchema = new(schema);
if(!jsonSchema.IsValid(json)) jsonSchema.WriteError();


Here is the error as displayed in the console. More specific errors will be listed first, followed by more general errors. Consequently, the specific errors will precisely pinpoint the issues within the JSON document, while the generic errors will provide contextual information about where the errors occurred.

Schema (Line: 6:47) Json (Line: 3:30) [DTYP04]: Data type mismatch. Data type #integer is expected but found #string inferred by "not number".
Schema (Line: 6:30) Json (Line: 3:30) [FUNC03]: Function @range(1, 10000) is incompatible with the target data type. Applying to a supported data type such as #number is expected but applied to an unsupported data type #string of "not number".
Schema (Line: 8:36) Json (Line: 4:36) [REGX01]: Regex pattern does not match. String of pattern "[a-z_]{3,30}" is expected but found "john doe" that mismatches with pattern.
Schema (Line: 5:28) Json (Line: 2:28) [VALD01]: Validation failed. Value {"id": @range(1, 10000) #integer, "username": @regex("[a-z_]{3,30}") #string, "role": "user" #string, "isActive": #boolean, ", "country": @regex("[A-Za-z ]{3,50}") #string} #object #null}} is expected but found {"id": "not number", "username": "john doe", "role": "user", "isActive": true, "registeredAt": "2023-09-06T15:10:30.639Z", "profile":...: "123 Some St", "city": "Some town", "country": "Some Country"}}}.
Schema (Line: 4:16) Json (Line: 1:0) [VALD01]: Validation failed. Value {"user": {"id": @range(1, 10000) #integer, "username": @regex("[a-z_]{3,30}") #string, "role": "user" #string, "isActive": #boolean,, "country": @regex("[A-Za-z ]{3,50}") #string} #object #null}}} is expected but found {"user": {"id": "not number", "username": "john doe", "role": "user", "isActive": true, "registeredAt": "2023-09-06T15:10:30.639Z", "... "123 Some St", "city": "Some town", "country": "Some Country"}}}}.

Assertion for Validation

To utilize this library for test automation and API testing, you can use the following alternative code snippet to perform assertions on input JSON against a specified schema. For instance, let's examine how to assert the JSON, which has been intentionally altered to introduce some errors, against the aforementioned schema. The following demonstrates the adjusted code for asserting the JSON with errors:


try {
    JsonAssert.IsValid(schema, json);
} catch(Exception e) {


The following presents the printed stack trace for the preceding example. It's important to note that when using JsonAssert, it throws an exception upon encountering the first error, thus preventing the continuation of processing the rest of the schema:

RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Exceptions.JsonSchemaException: DTYP04: Data type mismatch
Expected (Schema Line: 6:47): data type #integer
Actual (Json Line: 3:30): found #string inferred by "not number"

   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Tree.RuntimeContext.FailWith(Exception exception)
   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Types.JNode.FailWith(Exception exception)
   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Types.JDataType.MatchForReport(JNode node, Boolean nested)
   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Types.JValidator.<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<MatchDataType>b__2(JDataType d)
   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Utilities.CollectionExtensions.ForEach[T](IEnumerable`1 enumeration, Action`1 action)
   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Types.JValidator.MatchDataType(JNode node)
   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Types.JValidator.Match(JNode node)
   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Types.JObject.Match(JNode node)
   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Types.JValidator.Match(JNode node)
   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Types.JObject.Match(JNode node)
   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Types.JValidator.Match(JNode node)
   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.Types.JRoot.Match(JNode node)
   at RelogicLabs.JsonSchema.JsonAssert.IsValid(String schemaExpected, String jsonActual)
   at CSharpApplication.SampleSchema.CheckIsValid() in /SampleSchema.cs:line 62

For more information about the schema syntax format and library functionalities, please refer to the reference documentation here.

Java Quick Start for JSchema

This guide will walk you through the essential steps to quickly get up and running with the new JSON Schema library. It is also assumed a modest familiarity with the Java language, Java SDK, and Java command-line interface, including basic familiarity with Maven packages.

Maven Library Package

To get started, launch your preferred IDE (such as IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans IDE, Eclipse IDE, or VS Code) and open the Java project where you intend to include this library package. If you are using a build tool like Maven or Gradle, adding the library to your project is straightforward. For example in Maven project, navigate to the Maven pom.xml file and locate the section named <dependencies> and add the following XML snippet within the section of the file, replacing 1.x.x with either the latest version or your preferred version:


For additional information regarding this library package, you can visit the Maven repository page of this library here, and files are also available here.

Write a Sample to Test

With all the necessary components in place, you are now ready to create a sample schema and validate a corresponding JSON against the schema. The subsequent example presents a Java class featuring a method designed for validating a sample JSON based on a provided schema. If you are working with Java 17 or above, you can enhance the code further by utilizing new language features.

import com.relogiclabs.json.schema.JsonSchema;

public class SampleSchema {
    public boolean checkIsValid() {
        var schema =
            %title: "User Profile Response"
            %version: 1.0.0
                "user": {
                    "id": @range(1, 10000) #integer,
                    /*username does not allow special characters*/
                    "username": @regex("[a-z_]{3,30}") #string,
                    /*currently only one role is allowed by system*/
                    "role": "user" #string,
                    "isActive": #boolean, //user account current status
                    "registeredAt": #time,
                    "profile": {
                        "firstName": @regex("[A-Za-z ]{3,50}") #string,
                        "lastName": @regex("[A-Za-z ]{3,50}") #string,
                        "dateOfBirth": #date,
                        "age": @range(18, 130) #integer,
                        "email": @email #string,
                        "pictureURL": @url #string,
                        "address": {
                            "street": @length(10, 200) #string,
                            "city": @length(3, 50) #string,
                            "country": @regex("[A-Za-z ]{3,50}") #string
                        } #object #null
        var json =
                "user": {
                    "id": 1111,
                    "username": "johndoe",
                    "role": "user",
                    "isActive": true,
                    "registeredAt": "2023-09-06T15:10:30.639Z",
                    "profile": {
                        "firstName": "John",
                        "lastName": "Doe",
                        "dateOfBirth": "1993-06-17",
                        "age": 30,
                        "email": "",
                        "pictureURL": "",
                        "address": {
                            "street": "123 Some St",
                            "city": "Some town",
                            "country": "Some Country"
        var jsonSchema = new JsonSchema(schema);
        return jsonSchema.isValid(json);

Create Validation Errors

Let's intentionally introduce a few errors by modifying the previous JSON document and then examine the validation results. To begin, we'll alter the id within the user object to a string type and observe the outcome. Additionally, we'll modify the username by inserting a space into its value, thus creating an invalid username. Below is the revised JSON representation, now containing these purposeful errors.

    "user": {
        "id": "not number",
        "username": "john doe",
        "role": "user",
        "isActive": true,
        "profile": {
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "age": 30,
            "email": "",
            "pictureURL": "",
            "address": {
                "street": "123 Some St",
                "city": "Some town",
                "country": "Some Country"

To achieve the desired outcome, please make the following changes to the preceding code. Specifically, ensure that any schema validation errors are displayed in the console. The modified code snippet that invokes the writeError method to display the errors if validation fails is as follows:


var jsonSchema = new JsonSchema(schema);
if(!jsonSchema.isValid(json)) jsonSchema.writeError();


Here is the error as displayed in the console. More specific errors will be listed first, followed by more general errors. Consequently, the specific errors will precisely pinpoint the issues within the JSON document, while the generic errors will provide contextual information about where the errors occurred.

Schema (Line: 6:31) Json (Line: 3:14) [DTYP04]: Data type mismatch. Data type #integer is expected but found #string inferred by "not number".
Schema (Line: 6:14) Json (Line: 3:14) [FUNC03]: Function @range(1, 10000) is incompatible with the target data type. Applying to a supported data type such as #number is expected but applied to an unsupported data type #string of "not number".
Schema (Line: 8:20) Json (Line: 4:20) [REGX01]: Regex pattern does not match. String of pattern "[a-z_]{3,30}" is expected but found "john doe" that mismatches with pattern.
Schema (Line: 5:12) Json (Line: 2:12) [VALD01]: Validation failed. Value {"id": @range(1, 10000) #integer, "username": @regex("[a-z_]{3,30}") #string, "role": "user" #string, "isActive": #boolean, ", "country": @regex("[A-Za-z ]{3,50}") #string} #object #null}} is expected but found {"id": "not number", "username": "john doe", "role": "user", "isActive": true, "registeredAt": "2023-09-06T15:10:30.639Z", "profile":...: "123 Some St", "city": "Some town", "country": "Some Country"}}}.
Schema (Line: 4:0) Json (Line: 1:0) [VALD01]: Validation failed. Value {"user": {"id": @range(1, 10000) #integer, "username": @regex("[a-z_]{3,30}") #string, "role": "user" #string, "isActive": #boolean,, "country": @regex("[A-Za-z ]{3,50}") #string} #object #null}}} is expected but found {"user": {"id": "not number", "username": "john doe", "role": "user", "isActive": true, "registeredAt": "2023-09-06T15:10:30.639Z", "... "123 Some St", "city": "Some town", "country": "Some Country"}}}}.

Assertion for Validation

To utilize this library for test automation and API testing, you can use the following alternative code snippet to perform assertions on input JSON against a specified schema. For instance, let's examine how to assert the JSON, which has been intentionally altered to introduce some errors, against the aforementioned schema. The following demonstrates the adjusted code for asserting the JSON with errors:


try {
    JsonAssert.isValid(schema, json);
} catch(Exception e) {


The following presents the printed stack trace for the preceding example. It's important to note that when using JsonAssert, it throws an exception upon encountering the first error, thus preventing the continuation of processing the rest of the schema:

com.relogiclabs.json.schema.exception.JsonSchemaException: DTYP04: Data type mismatch
Expected (Schema Line: 6:31): data type #integer
Actual (Json Line: 3:14): found #string inferred by "not number"

	at com.relogiclabs.json.schema.types.JDataType.matchForReport(
	at com.relogiclabs.json.schema.types.JDataType.matchForReport(
	at com.relogiclabs.json.schema.types.JValidator.matchDataType(
	at com.relogiclabs.json.schema.types.JValidator.match(
	at com.relogiclabs.json.schema.types.JObject.match(
	at com.relogiclabs.json.schema.types.JValidator.match(
	at com.relogiclabs.json.schema.types.JObject.match(
	at com.relogiclabs.json.schema.types.JValidator.match(
	at com.relogiclabs.json.schema.types.JRoot.match(
	at com.relogiclabs.json.schema.JsonAssert.isValid(
	at org.example.SampleSchema.checkIsValid(
	at org.example.Main.main(

For more information about the schema syntax format and library functionalities, please refer to the reference documentation here.